

Our School Co-Op has been awarded the European Quality Label

Our School Co-Op has been awarded the European Quality Label

After amazing achievements and first place at the School Co-Op Contest of the City of Zagreb our School Cooperative “That’s it!” participated at the state competition that was held online from October 5th to 8th.

Our school has been awarded the European Quality Label for the excellence of the work and the product Kamišibaj theatre in the eTwinning project. This means that the work of our students and teachers have been recognised at the highest European level. Our students received the certificates of appreciation for their participation at the 33rd Review of School Cooperative Society of the Republic of Croatia.

We would like to congratulate to the group of hardworking MYP3 students - Katja, Fran, Yue, Lina and Anja and all the students and teachers who worked diligently for this success and praise them for their amazing creativity and excellent achievement. We are all happy and proud of the achievements of our School Cooperative.

Teacher Ivana

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