Zagreb Observatory Visit
On February 15th the MYP0 and MYP1 students visited the Zagreb Astronomical Observatory. At the Observatory we expanded our Geography and Science knowledge about the space – planets, stars, galaxies, asteroids. We learnt that Earth is a big place but within the Solar System it is quite small and it would take 1.3 million planets the size of Earth to fil up the Sun; the Sun consists of 99.8% of the Solar System’s mass; the hottest planet is not the closest planet to the Sun but Venus and the coldest is Uranus; there are so many stars in our solar system that they outnumber the tiny grains of sand that litter all of Earth’s beaches combined!
Everybody got a chance to look through a big telescope and observe the Sun. After admiring a great view of our city from the top of the Priest’s Tower in which the Observatory is located we came back to school with good impressions and new exciting experiences.