Popcorn's in the Popper
When you are 7yo, there is a great chance your energy level is way up high. Energizers are quick and fun activities and ideas that are easy to implement throughout the day.
Community Helpers in PYP1
During this unit of inquiry, we talked a lot about all the communities that we belong to and we explored a lot about all the people who help us in our everyday life. After that we had fun creating sculptures of various community helpers using plasticine modelling clay and play dough.
Games and play time are the highest quality resource in our classroom
Playing a board game with your partner can teach you so many things. It can show you the new fun way of spending time. It can teach you how to follow the instructions. It can teach you how to listen/help your partner. It can help you add/subtract (calculate) without knowing it.
Nothing special. Just our first – graders climbing the school's climbing wall ;)
Please check our gallery. We are aware that the children are not properly dressed in their PE kit. But you know how they say it. The best things in life sometimes happen unexpectedly. That is exactly how we decided to enjoy climbing before having lunch on that particular day. The next time we will do it during our PE lesson. You can expect an update soon.
Making shapes with our bodies
What is more fun for children than making shapes (and letters) using their bodies? The best way to learn all that corners, sides, curved, straight lines, paralle, longer, shorter sides etc.