Trip to Solaris
Our PYP 0, 1, and 2 classes recently embarked on a three-day trip to Solaris, Šibenik.
Life Cycle of Plants
As a part of their 5th unit of inquiry, PYP1 students had some great tasks to do.
With tiny hands and hearts brimming with excitement, they carefully planted flowers, strawberries, and beans in their designated cups.
A visit to the Museum of Modern Art
A visit to the Museum of Modern Art is always an exciting and enriching experience for students. On this visit, students learned about what an atelier is, explored Kozarić's atelier, and had the chance to try their hand at creating their artwork.
Life in times of cavemen
On the 7th of February, all PYP students had a short trip to the local theatre Trešnja. We were accompanied by two nice policemen who helped all 77 students cross two dangerous and busy roads.
Evening of Mathematics
On Thursday, the 1st of December, many Croatian schools, ours included, participated in the Evening of Mathematics.
Meeting the author and illustrator
This Friday, October 21, children's writer Nina Vadžić and illustrator Ana Kadoić visited our school. In addition to teaching us how picture books are made, they read one of their books to us.