Funny Easter in MYP0
MYP0 students attending the Croatian language acquisition group were decorating empty Easter eggs.
Visit to the French Institute
On the 28th of February MYP students attending French as an optional subject visited the French institute located in the centre of the town.
Zagreb Observatory Visit
On February 15th the MYP0 and MYP1 students visited the Zagreb Astronomical Observatory. At the Observatory we expanded our Geography and Science knowledge about the space – planets, stars, galaxies, asteroids.
The Universe project
To prepare for our visit to the Observatory students created models of The Universe.
MYP Winter Sports Field Trip
The snow has finally fallen and many opportunities for having fun in the snow arise. Going out sledging is an easy and fun way to enjoy the snow. On January 24th, the MYP0 and MYP1 students had a winter sports day in the mountainous Žumberak-Samobor Hills Nature Park.
Buon Natale and Buone Feste
We are always looking forward to December when our school organizes a lot of events. The MYP students, with the help of their teacher Jelena, created an Advent calendar by writing festive Christmas messages for each day of the calendar. The MYP and PYP4 students made Christmas cards out of pasta and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
The MYP and PYP students that take Italian classes and their teacher Jelena wish everyone Buon Natale and Buone Feste!