Short stories, stories of our own
We had an interesting task in our drama lesson. There were a few pieces of paper with short stories written on them. Those stories were made by students.
International Mother Language Day in MYP0
In Croatian class we explored the language brochures that the MYP0 students made on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day.
Famous writer in our school
Imagine that you are listening to your favorite writer telling a story in your school? How nice would it be?
123… action
Are you ready to act? Drama students had an interesting task: name a place, situation and feelings and try to act it on a stage.
Greek Mythology: Gods and Goddesses
This week, MYP0 students presented about Greek gods and goddesses. They all chose a Greek god or goddess and had to dress up them along with a presentation about their choices.
Storytelling - drama MYP 0
Drama is a new subject for the students in MYP 0. My idea was to show them how good they can be or how well they can make a play just by playing.