Cooking Time!
In this fun activity, the MYP0 students planned an after-quarantine get together and tried to re-write some of their favourite recipes to serve up to 30 people at their party.
Toys do not have a gender!
Look at this fabulous add created by MYP0 student Vito! He sends a message "Toys do not have a gender!"
Geometry in Art
What would you say: Is there more geometry in art, or is there even art in geometry? Either way, geometry can be very inspiring, and this year the MYP0 class proved it in the geometry unit.
National Handicrafts
Within the Design and Visual Art interdisciplinary unit 'Applied Art, Design and Media' the MYP0 students have a summative task to design and make a unique national handicraft item to promote the heritage and tradition of their country of origin.
Getting together with Miro Gavran
On February 21st we got a chance to meet Miro Gavran, the Croatian writer who has writen a series of award-winning books for children.
Visit to Knežija Library
On December 17th Croatian Language and Literature Group of MYP0 students accompanied by our librarian Ms. Mirna Ćurković visited the Knežija Library.