MYP General News
Virtual holidays
What most of us miss nowadays is travelling. So our English Language teachers came up with the idea of creating virtual holidays with his MYP students.
Museum Challenge!
Our MYP1 and MYP2 students responded with a lot of enthusiasm and participated in the Getty Museum Challenge with their unique artistic interpretations.
Wrapping Up 4 Weeks of Online Learning
Dear Students,
We are ending Week 4 of Online Learning. We hope things are beginning to feel more settled for all of you.
Tips to Parents for Online Learning Success
Dear Parents,
We are enclosing Tips for successful online learning that might be helpful in encouraging your child to keep up a good work.
I just want to go back
In this challenging times, we bring you a piece of our student's emotion.
Parent Guidelines for Helping Children after an Earthquake
Dear Parents,
Being aware of the challenges we have been facing in these extraordinary circumstances we post the 'Parent Guidelines for Helping Children after an Earthquake’.