MYP General News
Soup KItchen Volunteering
As a part of the Service as Action activity within our annual project 'Street Life' we launched the volunteering program in the Soup Kitchen of the "Missionaries of Charity - Sisters of Mother Teresa". The turnout has been great - 22 students signed up to volunteer in the soup kitchen on Mondays during the months of March, April and May.
World Storytelling Day
For several years we have the tradition of celebrating the World Storytelling Day in our school. On March 21st MYP0 students - Gauhar, Jurja, Kirill, Marton, Mia, Sabrina and Vesa presented the most beautiful childhood stories from their countries to PYP2 and PYP3 students.
Humanitarian Concert at MG
On March 22nd at 6:30 p.m. the "Music Moves us All" humanitarian concert was held in our school. The concert was a part of Jadran's (MYP3) Community Project. The goal of the concert is to raise funds for "Mali Dom", an organization for rehabilitation of children with development issues.
Francophonie Celebrations
Traditionally during the month of February and March, MYP3 students attending French as an optional subject take part in an international exam called DELF. This year, 5 of our students took part and we are sure that each one of them will receive the only qualifications recognized by the French Ministry of Education.
Oliver Twist – Theatre Visit
This month the MYP students have been focusing on the Oliver Twist story during Drama and Language classes. Oliver Twist is written by Charles Dickens, and it is about an orphanage boy who is trying to overcome the daily struggles which lead to many adventures. The students have been watching the Oliver Twist movie, as well as sharing their opinions on the situations occurring in the movie.
ACES Conference at MG
From March 10th to 12th our school hosted the ACES Conference. ACES, the Association of Central European Schools that our school joined in 2017, is an umbrella organisation which represents and provides services to IB schools in Central Europe. Representatives from 24 schools in Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia have been invited.